EARTH Talks: Why We Love Sustainable Farming in Laos

Sep 27
EARTH, Vientiane
EARTH talk: Why we Love Sustainable Farming in Laos

Ben Patrick, founder of ECO ASIA and Luang Prabang-based permaculture consultant, will lead an interactive talk. He will promote sustainable farming in Laos (Earth care - People care - Fair share), outline his project, and discuss ways you can get involved. A Q&A session will follow. 

Bring Yourself Down to EARTH - Vientiane for this special EARTH talk: Why we Love Sustainable Farming in Laos. The entry is free. 

Learn more about ECO ASIA here and get to know more about permaculture here.

Event: EARTH talk: Why we Love Sustainable Farming in Laos
Date: Friday 27 September 2019
Time: 19.00 - 20.30
Location: EARTH, Vientiane
