ເຫັດໜ້າງົວ / Stinking Russula

Scientific Name / Family
Russula cf. foetens Pers. / Russulaceae
Agaricus foetens Pers.
Agaricus foetens var. lactifluus Corda
Agaricus incrassatus Sowerby
Russula foetens var. minor Singer
Other Names
Eng: stinking russula
Chinese: Chòu hóng gū [臭紅菇]
Thai: Het Toun Mou
Botanical Description

Fruiting body ca. 15 cm tall. The cap is hemispherical, (4,5)−5−17 cm and very slimy when young, soon convex, honey yellow to ochre brown.. The gills and spores are pale cream. The strong stipe, (4,3)−5,5−11−(16) x 1,2−5 cm,  white or blotchy yellowish brown. The flesh has a strong acrid smell, when old has a fishy smell and bad taste.

Description of Use

Food: in Laos and China, this species is edible, some in Europe, this species inedible. Local food in Laos, soup with many species of mushroom.
Medicinal: good for treatment stomachache. In countries like Russia it is used for traditional mushroom pickles after being soaked in water for several days to remove the strong taste, as also all other Russula species.
