ຜັກຮາກ / Redstake Climber

Scientific Name / Family
Erythropalum scandens Blume / Olacaceae
Dactylium vagum Griff.
Decastrophia inconspicua Griff.
Erythropalum grandifolium Elmer
Erythropalum populifolium Mast.
Erythropalum vagum (Griff.) Mast.
Mackaya populifolia Arn.
Modeccopsis vaga Griff.
Passiflora heyneana Wall.
Other Names
Chinese: 赤苍藤 [chi cang teng]
Eng: Kulim Akar
Thai: Phak Rot, Phak Hak

Botanical Description

The plant is a climbing shrub, glabrous, 5 - 10m tall with axillary tendrils. Leaves simple, alternate, entire, 3-ribbed, subpeltate, petiole 3–10cm long, with axillary tendril, leaf blade ovate, oblong-ovate 8 - 20 x 4 - 15 cm, base obtuse, truncate, or cordate. Flowers are in axillary cymes, peduncle 4 - 10 cm. Pentamerous; petals and sepals valvate, calyx cupular. Petals white, 1.5 - 2mm. Stamens- five alternating with five staminodes (sterile stamen) with tuft of hairs on either side. Ovary- half interior, one celled with 1-3 pendulous ovules. Fruit is a drupe. Oblong to obovoid, yellow, 1.5 - 2.5 × 0.8 –1.2 cm in size; crowned by persistent calyx. Seeds are pendulous, indigo blue, broadly ellipsoid.


Threat: Least Concern continued decline in the area, extent, and/or quality of habitat.

Description of Use


Trade: They are available and available at local markets. (IUCN, 2024)

