ເຫັດກໍ່ແດງ / Rosy Russula

Associated Species
Scientific Name / Family
Russula rosea Pers. / Russulaceae
Agaricus lacteus Pers.
Russula incarnata Morgan
Russula incarnata Quél.
Russula lactea Fr.
Other Names
Chinese: Méi gui hóng gū [玫瑰紅菇]
Thai: Na Deang, Nam Mak
Botanical Description

Fruiting body 7−17 cm wide, ca. 15 tall, bright red to dark red. Cap convex to hemispherical, smooth, with a rather short−striate margin (20−40% of the radius). Volva absent. Fleshy stem is white, scale or near smooth, 7 − 13 × 1.5 − 2.5 cm. The gills are free, 7 − 16 mm broad, white, sometimes forked at the margin, with a subflocculose margin. The ring absent. Spore print is white.

Description of Use

Food: cooking with many menu, soup with Som Poi (Accasia sp.), Som Tiew (Cratoxylum formosum), or Ant Egg. Income: harvest from forest than clean and dry , preparing export to china

