
81: ເອື້ອງສາຍນ້ຳຄ່າງ / Parish's Dendrobium

Erect or down-bent, yellow stems enveloped by white, membranous sheaths carrying narrowly ovate to elliptic, obtuse, stiff, leathery, blunt, deciduous leaves that are apically notched. Flowering occurs from February through August with a peak season...

82: ເອື້ອງດິນໃບໝາກ / Pleated Leaf Spathoglottis

It has ovoid 7.5 cm pseudobulbs with numerous apical, stalked, linear-lanceolate, pointed, plicate, membranous, and up to 90 cm long. The stiff, erect, up to 75 cm long, terminal inflorescence has a head of 5 to 25, successive opening, non-fragrant...

83: ເອື້ອງຄຳ / Golden Bow Dendrobium

Large plant with six to eight angular erect and drooping stems, 2-3 mm in diameter and 30-40 cm long. Three to six leaves grow on the tip of young stems. Inflorescences with many yellow flowers, 2 cm-3 cm wide. A very common ornamental orchid in...

84: ເຫມືອຍ / Sun Bear

ຫົວ ແລະ ລໍາຕົວຍາວ: 100-140 ຊມ. ຫາງຍາວ: 37 ຊມ. ເປັນເໝືອຍຂະໜາດນ້ອຍມີຂົນສັ້ນສີດຳຫຸ້ມລຳຕົວ, ມີຮູບໂຕ “U“ ໝາຍອ້ອມຢູ່ບໍລິເວນປາກ ແລະ ດັງ, ເປັນສີຂາວຊີດທັງໃຫຍ່ ແລະ ໂດດເດັ່ນກວ່າໝີອາຊີພ້ອມທັງມີສີຂາວຢູ່ຂ້າງຕາຂະຫຍາຍກວ້າງອອກ, ມີຫູນ້ອຍ ແລະ ມົນ. ອຸປະນິໄສ:...

85: ເອື້ອງສີຕານ / Different Fruit Dendrobium

With fusiform or sub-cylindrical, erect or pendulous, many noded, yellow with age stems with tubular basal sheaths carrying deciduous, lingulate or oblong-lanceolate, acute to obtuse leaves that blooms in the winter and early spring on a lateral,...

86: ເອື້ອງກະເປົາໃບລາຍຂາວ / Callus Slipper Orchid

Neither of these species have been satisfactory identified yet. Bai lai khao has 10-20 x 3-5 cm oblong leaves that are thick and hairy, with a sponge-like texture. Their upper blades are light green while the lower-surface is dark green with lighter...

87: Gac Fruit Juice

Gac fruit has the following nutritional and health benefits: 40 times vitamin C of oranges 10 times beta-carotene of carrots 12 times lycopene of tomatoes Promotes eye health Has anti-bacterial properties Good for the skin (fights ageing) Reduces...

88: ເອື້ອງກຸຫຼາບກະເປົາປິດ / White Rose Orchid

High up in trees in bright sun with very stout, drooping, branching stems carrying fleshy, incurved, oblong-lingulate, round lobed at the apex, broad, pale green leaves. As its name implies it is highly fragrant and blooms in the late spring through...

89: ເອື້ອງກະເປົາຝາຈ້ຳ / Excluded Paphiopedilum

ເປັນດອກເຜິ້ງທີ່ເກີດຢູ່ຜາຫີນ ຫຼື ດີນ. ໃບຕັ້ງ ຫຼື ເນັ່ງ, 4-5 ໃບ, ແຜ່ນໃບຮູບແຄບ, ຂະໜາດ 35 x 2-3 ຊັງຕິແມັດ. ປາຍແຍກເປັນແສກ, ເນື້ອໃບໜາ, ສີເຫຼືອງອ່ອນປົນສີຂຽວ. ຊໍ່ດອກເກີດຢູ່ປາຍ, ມີ 1 ດອກ. ກ້ານດອກຍາວ 13-18 ຊັງຕິແມັດ, ສີຂຽວປົນສີມ່ວງ, ມີຂົນ. ໃບປະດັບຮູບຮີ, ຂະໜາດ...

90: ເອື້ອງກະເປົາສ້ອຍມະນີ / Parish's Paphiopedilum

ເປັນດອກເຜິ້ງອີງອາໄສ ແລະ ເກີດຕາມຜາຫີນ. ໃບ 5-8, ແຜ່ນໃບຮູບຂອບຂະໜານ, ຂະໜາດ 46 x 3-7 ຊັງຕິແມັດ, ກ້ຽງ, ສີຂຽວ. ຊໍ່ດອກຕັ້ງຊື່ ຫຼື ເນັ່ງເລັກນ້ອຍ, ຍາວ 20-60 ຊັງຕິແມັດ, ມີ 2-7 ດອກຕໍ່ຊໍ່. ກ້ານຊໍ່ດອກຍາວ 20 ຊັງຕິແມັດ, ມີຂົນ.ໃບປະດັບຮູບຮີກວ້າງ, ຂະໜາດ 3-4 x 2-3...
