ໝາກແຕງລາຍ / Muskmelon

Scientific Name / Family
Cucumis melo L. / Cucurbitaceae
See on: http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2746992
Other Names
Thai: ໝາກແຕງໄທ, ແຕງລາຍ
Eng: Muskmelon
Botanical Description

Muskmelon is a climbing annual plant. All part of plant is covering by hairy. Leaves are simple, large and deeply lobes on margin. the lamina are orbiculate or retifrom, 8-15 cm is long as wide. base leaf are cordate. the both surface of leaf are covering by hairy. Petiole are 4-10 cm as long and covering by hairy. flower are funnel form, yellow. Pedicle is shortly. Calyx with 5-lobes and 6-8 cm as long. petals are 5-lobes, base connected. Fruits are elliptic with gray ling belong length, about 23 cm as long and 14 cm as diameter. the young fruits are green, but when mature are yellow, waxy, inner fleshy and good smelling. Seed are elliptic and numerous.

Description of Use

• Leaves and shoots are tasteless, helping to reduce fever.
• Boiled flowers are eaten to cure jaundice or grind into powder.
• Raw or ripe fruits contain many kinds of acids. Helps with digestion And helps appetite
• Raw and ripe fruit pulp helps laxative to relieve thirst and reduce heat in the body.
• The roots have a cold mood. Used to boil drinking water as a laxative And cause vomiting
• The seeds have a cool, tasteless flavor. Use boiled water to drink as a laxative, helps to cough and digestion.
