ຫວາຍນອງ / Modern Rattan

Scientific Name / Family
Calamus godefroyi Becc. / Arecaceae
Other Names
Cam: Phdao toek
Lao: Wai nong
Botanical Description

Description. Stems clustered, climbing, to 30 m long and 1.5 cm diameter. Leaf sheaths green with brown hairs, with scattered to densely arranged, black-tipped, flattened, triangular, to 2 cm long spines; ocreas present; knees present; flagella present, elongate; petioles short or absent; rachis to 1 m long with 15-20, linear-lanceolate leaflets per side, these regularly arranged and grayish-green on the lower surface, with the basal few leaflets often swept back across the sheath; cirri absent. Inflorescences to 1.3 m long, flagellate; bracts tubular; fruits globose to ellipsoid, to 1.6 cm long and 1.2 cm diameter, yellowish or whitish. Distribution and habitat. Cambodia and central Laos, and just reaching Southwestern Vietnam (also in Thailand) in marshy areas in seasonal swamp forest at low elevations. Flowering and fruiting. Fruits August. (M. Peters & A. Henderson, 2014).
