ເອື້ອງກະເລ້ໃບຫາງແຂ້ / Aloe-Leafed Cymbidium

Scientific Name / Family
Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw. / Orchidaceae
Aerides borassii Buch.-Ham. ex Sm.
Cymbidium erectum Wight
Cymbidium intermedium H.G.Jones
Cymbidium pendulum (Roxb.) Sw.
Cymbidium simulans Rolfe
Epidendrum aloides Curtis
Other Names
Chinese: Wen Ban Lan
Botanical Description

hot to warm growing epiphyte or lithophyte on open mossy rocks with very small pseudobulbs enveloped by leaf bases, with coriaceous, suberect, linear-lingulate, obscurely bilobed apically leaves that blooms on a 75 cm long, basal, pendant, laxly many (45) flowered, inflorescence occurring in the spring.

Found in Yunnan provinces of China, Assam, Bangladesh, eastern Himalayas, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Andaman Islands , Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam
In evergreen and in semi-deciduous and deciduous dry lowland forests to savana-like woodlands at elevations of sea-level to 1100 meters as a large sized.

Description of Use

Leaves are heated slightly and the juice is dropped in the ear. Leaves fresh. Ear for the treatment of otitis and other inflammatory conditions. Pounding the whole plant with ginger and extracting the mixture with water. Whole plant used to induce vomiting and diarrhea, to cure chronic illness.
