ເອື້ອງສາຍນ້ຳເຜິ້ງ / Many Flowered Dendrobium

Scientific Name / Family
Dendrobium polyanthum Wall. ex Lindl. / Orchidaceae
Callista cretacea (Lindl.) Kuntze
Callista primulina (Lindl.) Kuntze
Dendrobium cretaceum Lindl.
Dendrobium nobile var. pallidiflorum Hook.
Dendrobium primulinum Lindl.
Other Names
Chinese: Bao Chun Shi Hu
Botanical Description

This plant has clustered, ascending, prostrate or pendulous, terete, sulcate stems covered in white sheaths and blooms in the winter through summer on a short inflorescence with minute bracts and 1 to 2, fragrant flowers that arise from nodes along the leafless cane.

Occurrence in Region Assam, eastern Himalayas, Nepal, western Himalayas, Andaman Islands, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Yunnan China and Vietnam
Occurrence in nature (ecology and ecosystem) warm growing, pendant epiphyte found on deciduous trees at elevations of 500 to 1000 meters where they need direct sunlight for at least 3 hours a day.

Description of Use

Infusion by fresh or drying stem sliced tonic. whole plant for ornamental, stems for medicinal. Price 15,000-30,000 kip per plant and per kg fresh, 90,000 kip per kg dry.
