ຫວາຍຫາງໜູ / Rat Tail Rattan

Scientific Name / Family
Calamus tetradactylus Hance. / Arecaceae
Calamus batoensis A.J.Hend. & N.Q.Dung
Calamus bonianus Becc.
Calamus cambojensis Becc.
Calamus crispus A.J.Hend., N.K.Ban & N.Q.Dung
Calamus flavinervis A.J.Hend. & N.Q.Dung
Calamus solitarius T.Evans, Sengdala, Viengkham, Thamm. & J.Dransf.
Palmijuncus tetradactylus (Hance) Kuntze
Other Names
Vietnamese: meuy nep
Botanical Description

This clustering species has stems up to 6 m long and 0.3 cm-1 cm in diameter. Its sheath is 0.7 cm-1.8 cm diameter and dark green. The spines are yellow-brown with dark brown tips, 0.2-1.5cm, and can be many or few. The ocrea is tiny and dry, with no spines or bristles. Its leaves are 0.2 m-0.6 m long, with leaflets that are grouped in pairs on each side of the axis, sometimes irregularly. The leafstalk is 3 cm-10 cm long while the 0.4 m-1.8m long inflorescence has a flagellum. The 0.9 cm x 0.9 cm fruit is scaly, pale yellow when dry, with dark thin edges. The seed is slightly ruminate.

Description of Use

But its shoots are usually too small to eat. 5 m canes sell for $0.1-$0.2, and smaller stems for $2.5-$5 per kg.
