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ເຄືອແຫມ / Berberine

Oil Extract
Scientific Name / Family
Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.) Colebr. / Menispermaceae
Coscinium maingayi Pierre
Coscinium miosepalum Diels
Coscinium peltatum Merr.
Coscinium usitatum Pierre
Coscinium wallichianum Miers
Coscinium wightianum Miers ex Diels
Menispermum fenestratum Gaertn.
Pereiria medica Lindl.
Other Names
Thai: khreua hen, khamin khreua, haem mahatsa chan. Vietnamese: day vang dang, vang dang latrang, hoang dang, dang giang, daymonang, ko trong, to rong
English: berberine, ceylon/false calumba, calumba root, tumeric tree, columbo wood
Botanical Description

Kheua haem is a creeping and climbing vine 25-30 m in length, with a diameter of 6-7 cm. Its shoots are curved and the stem is knotted or swollen at regular intervals. The outer bark is grey with small scales, and the yellow inner bark has a bitter taste. The wood is bright yellow when cut, releasing a yellow sap, and the vertical sections show radial lines. The leaves measure 9-15 cm long and 6-8 cm wide, have white-green lower blades and a bent leafstalk of 4-7 cm. The inflorescences produce green-yellow flowers which are flat and round-topped, growing from the nodes.

Description of Use

The stem and roots of Kheua Haem are processed to obtain an extract that is used to treat wounds, dysentery and the after-effects of childbirth. The berberine extracted from Kheua Haem is a popular medicine for diarrhoea and intestinal parasites. It displays significant microbiological activity against bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses and worms, and also has anti-cancer, diabetes, and hepatitis properties. Chipped stems are used to make a yellow dye, resembling turmeric.
