A new Philautus (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae) from northern Laos

01 Jan 2004 Authors:  Bryan L Stuart and Harold Heatwole

A new Philautus is described from Phou Dendin National Biodiversity Conservation Area in northern Laos. Philautus petilus sp. nov. is most remarkable by having a very slender, elongated habitus. Other distinguishing characteristics include having a tympanum diameter 80% of the eye diameter, white asperities on the dorsum, and distinctive coloration consisting of a soft yellow-beige dorsolateral surface with broken black stripes posteriorly, a lavender wash on the dorsal surface of limbs, upper lip, and sides, a black stripe below the edge of canthus extending from snout tip to flanks near the level of mid-body, and a black spot equal in diameter to the tympanum located just anterior to the inguinal region.
