ຫວາຍກຳເຫຼົ້າ / Thorn Red Rattan

Scientific Name / Family
Calamus minor A.J.Hend. / Arecaceae
Other Names
Lao: Wai deng wai kamlao
Botanical Description

Description. Stems clustered, climbing, to 3 m long and 1 cm diameter. Leaf sheaths greenish-yellow, sparsely covered with brown, black-tipped, flattened, horizontally or upward spreading spines to 1.4 cm (sometimes to 2.5 cm at sheath apices) long; ocreas present, fibrous, disintegrating; knees present; flagella absent or rarely present; petioles to 10 cm long; rachis to 0.7 m long with 5-6, lanceolate leaflets per side, these regularly but distantly arranged, gray on the lower surfaces, the apical pair briefly joined at their bases; cirri absent. Inflorescences to 0.4 m long, briefly or not flagellate; inflorescences bracts open and not sheathing; fruits not known. Distribution and habitat. Northern Laos in savannah woodland or
bamboo forest at 140-160 m elevation. Flowering and fruiting. Flowers January. (M. Peters & A. Henderson, 2014).

Description of Use

Uses. The shoots are edible and the canes used for handicrafts.
