ຫວາຍໜາມລີ້ / Clustering Rattan

Scientific Name / Family
Calamus henryanus Becc. / Arecaceae
Calamus balansaeanus Becc.
Calamus balansaeanus var. castaneolepis (C.F.Wei) S.J.Pei & S.Y.Chen
Calamus henryanus var. castaneolepis C.F.Wei
Other Names
Lao: Wai namlee, wai hangnou, wai khairp, bong knair
Viet: Mây hồng, mây mật, mây nếp, mây tắt
Botanical Description

Stems clustered, climbing, to 20 m long and 1.8 cm diameter. Leaf sheaths green, mottled with reddish brown hairs, with scattered to densely arranged, yellowish, flattened, triangular, to 2.5 cm long spines; ocreas very small, sometimes spiny; knees prominent; flagella present, to 4 m long; petioles to 55 cm long; rachis to 1.3 m long with 29-45, linear leaflets per side, these regularly arranged, or often regularly arranged but with gaps, not bristly or bristly on upper surface veins; cirri absent. Inflorescences to 4.5 m long, flagellate; bracts splitting and tattering at apices; fruits globose to ellipsoid, to 1.5 cm long and 1 cm diameter, yellowish-brown. Distribution and habitat. Northern Laos and Northern and central Vietnam (also in China, Myanmar and Thailand) in lowland evergreen or montane forest, savannah wooldand, or secondary forest at 100-800 m elevation. Flowering and fruiting. Flowers February, April-May, July, October, December; fruits October. (M. Peters & A. Henderson, 2014).

Description of Use

Uses. Provides a medium quality cane used in furniture making.
