ຫວາຍໜາມຫຼວງ / Asian Rattan

Scientific Name / Family
Calamus flagellum Griff. ex Mart. / Arecaceae
Calamus flagellum var. flagellum
Calamus flagellum var. furvifurfuraceus S.J.Pei & S.Y.Chen
Calamus flagellum var. karinensis Becc.
Calamus karinensis (Becc.) S.J.Pei & S.Y.Chen
Calamus polygamus Roxb.
Palmijuncus flagellum (Griff. ex Mart.) Kuntze
Palmijuncus polygamus (Roxb.) Kuntze
Other Names
ລາວ: ຫວາຍເລົາ, ຫວານໜົ່ນ, ຫວາຍໜາມເຫຼືອງ, ຫວາຍທູນ, ບລອງພູລ
ຫວຽດ: ເໝີຍໄກ໋, ເໝີຍໜືກ, ເໝີຍໜືກດຳ, ເໝີຍໂຣຍ, ເໝີຍທຣໍ່
Botanical Description

Stems clustered, climbing, to 30 m long and 5 cm diameter. Leaf sheaths greenish-yellow with dense, dark brown hairs, with densely arranged, black, brownish, or yellowish, flattened, to 5.5 cm long (sometimes to 10 cm long at sheath apices) spines, interspersed with shorter spines; ocreas to 10 cm long, fibrous, early tattering and falling; knees present, inconspicuous; flagella present, to 7 m long; petioles to 70 cm long; rachis to 3 m long with 24-36, linear-lanceolate leaflets per side, these regularly arranged, conspicuously bristly along the margins; cirri absent. Inflorescences to 7 m long, flagellate; bracts tubular, tattering at the apices; fruits ovoid to ellipsoid, to 3.5 cm long and 2.5 cm diameter, yellowish or brownish. Distribution and habitat. Northern Laos and Northern and central Vietnam (also in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China,  yanmar, Nepal, Northeastern India, and Thailand) in lowland evergreen or montane forest at 100-1,350 m elevation.
Flowering and fruiting. Flowers March, April, October; fruits April-May. (M. Peters & A. Henderson, 2014).

Description of Use

Uses. Provides a medium quality cane used in furniture making.
