ກົກອ່ຽນດ່ອນ / Eel Root

Scientific Name / Family
Eurycoma harmandiana Pierre / Simaroubaceae
Other Names
Local names: hak ien don, ya hak diaw
Thai: pa alai pheuak lek
Botanical Description

Ien Don is a shrub that grows up to 50 cm tall, with a single yellow-white tap root that can be 20-80 cm long. The stem is black or dark-red. Its compound leaves are feather like, 8-20 cm long, with 5 x 8 mm linear leaflets. The 10-20 cm long inflorescences at the top of the plant are brown, with small pink to red flowers. The red fruit is round and measures 5-8 x 4-7 mm. Ien Don is similar to Yik Boh Thong (E. longifolia), which is much taller.

Description of Use

The bark of Ien don roots is used as a medicine that lowers body temperature to prevent or alleviate fever. It is also a popular aphrodisiac (stimulating sexual desire) in Southeast Asia.
