Dr Vichith Lamxay (the National University of Laos, Faculty of Natural Science, Biology Department Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.)
My name is Vichith Lamxay, a Lao national with experience as a lecturer at the Biology department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, National University of Laos. I am a Flora researcher, facilitator, trainer, and postgraduate administrator at the Faculty of Natural Sciences as well as a national consultant in many projects including; IUCN, UNDP, GIZ, WMPA, NAFRI. I have long-standing experience working for National University of Laos as a lecturer and researcher in the field of plant diversity and Biodiversity conservation since 1983.
For more information please contact: vlamxay@yahoo.com; vichithlamxay@gmail.com; Facebook: Vichith Lamxay; Tel: +856 20 22245515 +856 20 58573939 +85621770173
Simone Vongkhamho (Senior Researcher)
Since 2004, I have been employed as researcher of Forestry Research Center. I have been involved to do the research related Silviculture techniques, Forest Plantation, Forest and Non-Timber Forest Products Value Chain in across the country. I like to learn and listen the story from the old men who living in rural area with conserved valuable indigenous knowledge of forest product (planting, gathering…) because its make me enough to inspire a sequel.
Email: simonevkh@gmail.com
Peter Brakels (IUCN)
Peter Brakels is an environmental scientist with 10 years of experience in the biodiversity conservation and protected area management sector. Currently working for IUCN Laos PDR as a technical advisor in their National biodiversity conservation program. In his free time, Peter conducts herpetological surveys and photographs the diversity of herpetofauna in-situ with the goal of identifying and mapping the species diversity of Laos. His main interests are in the ecology and conservation of amphibians in Laos.
Email: peter.brakels@iucn.org
Joost Foppes (Rural Development and Conservation Consultant at Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty)
Tel: 020555087, 02097085801, email: jfoppes@gmail.com
Thavone Phommavong (Living Aquatic Resources Research Center (LARReC)
Tel: 02058973662, email: thavone.ph999@gmail.com
Lucie Reynaud (GRET Regional Coordinator)
Tel : +856 (0) 21 453 332 / e-mail: reynaud@gret.org
Dr. Koukham Vilayheuang (Rice Research Center)
Tet: 020945665, email: Koukhamv@gmail.com
Michael Victor (Head, communications and knowledge management, ILRI)
Michael Victor is a rural development specialist with 20 years of experience focusing on communication, knowledge management, capacity development and project design in the agriculture and natural resource management sector. I have worked both in Laos, the Mekong region and globally. One of my favorite products in Pha Khao Lao is Broom grass as it is a versatile product that grows in fallows in the Uplands. One food I enjoy eating is 'bamboo grubs' fried and salted. It goes great with a glass of beer and watching the sunset on the Mekong.
Email: michaelnoahvictor@gmail.com
Kevin Kamp (Chief Technical Advisor - The Agrobiodiversity Initiative 2019-2020)
Chintanaphone Keovichith (Deputy Manager and Online Platform moderator for LaoFAB, LaoLaink, Lao44, Click Information for Development)
Chintanaphone was born in the Vientiane capital. She graduated with a bachelors degree from the Faculty of Economics and Business Management from NUOL in 2008. She started work at CLICK in 2014. She loves Lao food, especially insects like: crickets, grasshoppers, and bamboo soup name “Nor Ka Saen” - small bamboo - grown in Khammuan province. "I like to eat bamboo soup since I was a child and my grandmother cooked for me. We eat it with hot sticky rice, it so fantastic and bamboo soup is one of the unique meals of Lao people."
Email: ckeovichith@gmail.com