Geographic Focus: ພາກພື້ນ


Author(s): L.V. Averyanov
Herbarium material collected in 2009–2013 in Cambodia and Laos provides 240 new localities for 156 orchid species (from 73 genera). Among them, 13 and 45 species respectively are new for the flora of…
Author(s): Bethany G. Elkington, Phaivanh Phiapalath, Kongmany Sydara, Vongtakoune Somsamouth, Nichole I. Goodsmith and D. Doel Soejarto
A field survey was launched to identify medicinal plants growing in the Khiat Ngong wetlands and surrounding forested areas of Pathoumphone District, Champasak Province in southern Laos. In this area…
Author(s): Andre´ Schuiteman, Pierre Bonnet, Bouakhaykhone Svengsuksa and Daniel Barthe´le´my
A checklist is presented of the orchid flora of Laos, enumerating 485 species in 108 genera. An estimate is given of the expected size of the orchid flora of Laos. Notes on habitat, global and local…
Author(s): Mark Newman, Sounthone Ketphanh, Bouakhaykhone Svengsuksa, Philip Thomas, Khamphone Sengdala, Vichith Lamxay and Kate Armstrong
The checklist includes 4,850 species of native, introduced, cultivated and naturalized vascular plants (see Table 3). Of these, 3,688 are supported by at least one of the 9,500 specimens in the…


Author(s): Praxaysombath, B., K. Utsugi, K. Phongsa, M. Nammanivong, V. Vannachak, K. Phommachan, T. Phommavong, V. Photthana, V. Duangthasy and S. Latsamy.
ປະເທດແມ່ນສ່ວນໜຶ່ງຂອງຈຸດສຸມຊີວະນາໆພັນອິນໂດ-ມຽນມາ; ເຊິ່ງເປັນໜື່ງໃນຈຳນວນ 34 ຈຸດສຸມຊີວະນາໆພັນຂອງໂລກທີ່ຖີກໄພຂົ່ມຂູ່. ອ່າງແມ່ນ້ໍາຂອງໃນປະເທດລາວມີລັກສະນະພູມສັນຖານທີ່ມີນໍ້າໄຫຼແຮງ ແລະ ມີແມ່ນ້ຳສາຂາຫຼາກຫຼາຍ,…
Author(s): The Agro Biodiversity Initiative
ພາບລວມການຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດ ແລະ ຜົນສໍາເລັດໂຄງການພັດທະນາລະບົບນິເວດຊີວະນານາພັນເຂດພູດອຍແຕ່ 2009-2020
Author(s): Andrea Rodericks
The Lao uplands have long been recognized for their rich agro-biodiversity. Home to globally important species of animals, plants, and micro-organisms, this agro-biodiversity is the legacy of the…
Author(s): Declan Butorac , Paulo Santos, Phousavanh Phouvin and Francois Guegan
We evaluate the impact of a fisheries management program centered on the definition of Fish Conservation Zones on biodiversity, measured as the number of species caught in the last 12 months. Data…
Author(s): TABI
ການປະມົງຂະໜາດນ້ອຍມີຄວາມສໍາຄັນຫລາຍ ຢູ່ພາຍໃນເຂດພາກເໜືອ ຂອງ ສປປ ລາວ, ເພາະວ່າ ປະຊາຊົນບັນດາເຜົ່າໃນເຂດຊົນນະບົດ ຍັງພາກັນເພິ່ງພາອາໃສປາທໍາມະຊາດຈາກບັນດາສາຍຫ້ວຍຕ່າງໆ ເປັນຫລັກເຂົ້າໃນການດໍາລົງຊີວິດເປັນຕົ້ນຕໍຢູ່.…
Author(s): TABI
This is an age-old practice in Asia and parts of Laos. Increases in fish production can be made via the adoption of practices used in other countries in Asia, and can be combined with IPM practices…

ຄູ່ມືການຝຶກ, ຊຸດເຄື່ອງມື ແລະ ຄູ່ມື

Author(s): Mark Newman, Sounthone Ketphanh, Bouakhaykhone Svengsuksa, Philip Thomas, Khamphone Sengdala, Vichith Lamxay and Kate Armstrong
The checklist includes 4,850 species of native, introduced, cultivated and naturalized vascular plants (see Table 3). Of these, 3,688 are supported by at least one of the 9,500 specimens in the…
Author(s): K.G. Hortle, S.J. Booth and T.A.M. Visser
The fishery of the Mekong River is one of the largest and most significant in the world, and most of the production is based on migratory river fishes. An earlier report provided an overview of the…
Author(s): Ian G. Baird
The Mekong River and her tributaries in China, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR or Laos) are the life-blood for millions of people. Southern Lao …

ນະໂຍບາຍ, ລະບຽບການ, ແລະບົດແນະນຳ

Author(s): GRET, MAF, WWF, SDC
ຍຸດທະສາດພັດທະນາໄມ້ປ່ອງ ແລະ ເຄື່ອງປ່າຂອງດົງຂອງແຂວງຫົວພັນ ຄັ້ງທີ່ 3 ດັ່ງກ່າວນີ້ ໄດ້ຮັບການພັດທະນາໃນຊ່ວງເວລາດຳເນີນການ ໂຄງການໄມ້ປ່ອງ ແລະ ຫວາຍ ຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິດໂດຍອົງການ GRET…
Author(s): The Agro Biodiversity Initiative
ພາບລວມການຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດ ແລະ ຜົນສໍາເລັດໂຄງການພັດທະນາລະບົບນິເວດຊີວະນານາພັນເຂດພູດອຍແຕ່ 2009-2020
Author(s): Khamphou Phouyyavong (PhD Candidate), Phanxay Ingxay (PhD), Sengphachanh Sonethavixay, Vagneron Vagneron (PhD)
Tea plants are native to East Asia and evidence of tea consumption in China goes back to the 2nd century BC. In Laos, tea was presumably cultivated and traded as early as the 7th century (Earth…
Author(s): ພະແນກກະສິກໍາ ແລະ ປ່າໄມ້ແຂວງຜົື້ງສາລີ, ຂະແໜງສົ່ງເສີມກະສິກໍາ ແລະ ສະຫະກອນ
ໝາກແໜູ່ງ ແມ່ນເຄືື່ອງປ່າຂອງດົງຊະນິດໜື່ງທີື່ມີຄຸນຄູ່າ ແລະ ເປັນປະໂຫຍດຕ ໍ່ສັງຄົມມະນຸດເຮົາ ໂດຍໄດ້ນໍາໃຊ້ເຂົ້າ ໃນວົງການການແພດ ເພືື່ອປະກອບເປັນສູ່ວນປະສົມຂອງອາຫານ ແລະ ຢາສະໝຸນໄພເຂົື້າໃນການຮັກສາ ໂລກໄພ ໄຂ້ເຈັບ…


Author(s): Phengmala, K., Saesouk, S., Saensouk, P., Souladeth, P.
Results from an ethnobotany study of Hmong ethnic groups in  Bolikhamxay Province, Laos PDR between 2021 and 2023 identifies plant uses for 133 species, 104 genera, and 50 families. The research…
Author(s): Sengthong, A., Saensouk, S., Saensouk, P., Souladeth, P.
Cytogenetical studies were carried out on five varieties of Callisia repens, i.e., turtle vine, green, pink lady, gold, and Bianca. The morphological characteristics of all five varieties differed in…
Author(s): Hiroyoshi Ohashi, Kazuaki Ohashi, Koji Nata, Phetlasy Souladeth and Shuichiro Tagane
Desmodium s.l. (Leguminosae tribe Desmodieae) is highly diverse in Indochina at the generic level. Among the segregates from Desmodium s.s., Grona has most differentiated in the region with 16…