Topic: Watershed Management

Brochures, Fact Sheets and Posters

Author(s): people for peat
Author(s): TABI
ຍຸດທະສາດ ຊີວະນາໆພັນກະສິກໍາຂອງແຂວງ
Author(s): TABI
More than 1,000 species identified in associated selected habitats. Land use planning is implemented in almost 1,000,000 ha in 315 villages in 13 provinces. ABD importance promoted to more than 230…
Author(s): TABI
This is an age-old practice in Asia and parts of Laos. Increases in fish production can be made via the adoption of practices used in other countries in Asia, and can be combined with IPM practices…


The Lao newt (Laotriton laoensis) is a recently described species currently known only from northern Laos. Little is known about the species, but it is threatened as a result of overharvesting. We…
The salamandrid genus Tylototriton is poorly known in Laos, with one described species and unverified reports of two others. We undertook new fieldwork and obtained samples of Tylototriton at six…
Author(s): Gunther Köhler, Joseph Vargas, Ni Lar Than, Tilman Schell, Axel Janke, Steffen U. Pauls, Panupong Thammachoti
We revise the frogs of the genus Phrynoglossus from Indochina based on data of external morphology, bioacoustics, and molecular genetics. The results of this integrative study provide evidence for…
Author(s): Tan Van Nguyen, Peter Brakels, Nathanael Maury, Somchit Sudavanh, Parinya Pawangkhanant, Sabira Idiiatullina, Sengvilay Lorphengsy, Khamla Inkhavilay, Chatmongkon Suwannapoom and Nikolay A. Poyarkov
The results of herpetological surveys conducted throughout Laos in 2016–2019 resulted in significant records at the country and provincial levels for several amphibian and reptile species, other than…
Author(s): Declan Butorac , Paulo Santos, Phousavanh Phouvin and Francois Guegan
We evaluate the impact of a fisheries management program centered on the definition of Fish Conservation Zones on biodiversity, measured as the number of species caught in the last 12 months. Data…
Author(s): Jennifer A. Sheridan and Bryan L. Stuart
Accurately delimiting species and their geographic ranges are imperative for conservation, especially in areas experiencing rapid habitat loss. Southeast Asia currently has one of the highest rates…
Author(s): Jodi J.L. Rowley, Chris R. Shepherd, Bryan L. Stuart, Truong Q. Nguyen, Huy D. Hoang,Timothy P. Cutajar, Guinevere O.U. Wogan, Sompouthone Phimmachak
The global trade inamphibians iswidespread, involves hundreds of species, andhas been implicated in amphibian population declines. Thepet trade is the primary driver for populationdeclines inone…
Author(s): Niane Sivongxay, Monekham Davankham, Somphouthone Phimmachak , Keochay Phoumixay, Bryan L Stuart
A new species of the rhacophorid frog genus Theloderma is described from the forested shoreline of the Nam Lik Reservoir, Vientiane Province, Laos. The new species differs from its congeners by…
Author(s): Stuart, Bryan L., Somphouthone Phimmachak, Sengvilay Seateun & Jennifer A. Sheridan.
The small rhacophorid frog Philautus abditus is geographically restricted to central Vietnam and adjacent Cambodia. Our fieldwork in northern Laos resulted in the discovery of a Philautus species…
Author(s): Somphouthone Phimmachak, Bryan L. Stuart and Anchalee Aowphol.
 Almost nothing is known on the ecology and natural history of Tylototriton (Knobby Newts) in Laos. Here, a population of the newly described T. podichthys was intensively studied in a 55,800 sq.m.  …
Author(s): ກະຊວງກະຊິກຳ ແລະ ປ່າໄມ້
ມາດຕາ 1: ຮັບຮອງເອົາບັນຊີ ສັດນໍ້າ ແລະ ສັດປ່າ ປະເພດຫວງຫ້າມ ຫຼື ບັນຊີ I ແລະ ປະເພດຄຸ້ມຄອງ ຫຼື ບັນຊີ II ດັ່ງນີ້: 
Author(s): people for peat
Author(s): Praxaysombath, B., K. Utsugi, K. Phongsa, M. Nammanivong, V. Vannachak, K. Phommachan, T. Phommavong, V. Photthana, V. Duangthasy and S. Latsamy.
Laos is a part of Indo-Burma Biodiversity hotspot that is known as one of the Earth's 34 threatened biodiversity hotspots. The Mekong River Basin in Laos is topographically characterized in having a…
Author(s): GRET, MAF, WWF, SDC
This 3rd Provincial Strategy on Bamboo and NTFP has been developed in the framework of the “Bamboo and Rattan project” implemented by GRET with contribution by the BNDA between July 2017 and March…