ໝາກລີ້ນໄມ້ / Indian trumpet flower
APA 6th ed. ໝາກລີ້ນໄມ້ / Indian trumpet flower. (2023, July 14). Retrieved from https://www.phakhaolao.la/kb/0000195
MLA 8th ed. ໝາກລີ້ນໄມ້ / Indian trumpet flower. Pha Khao Lao, 14 July 2023, https://www.phakhaolao.la/kb/0000195.
Chicago 17th ed. Pha Khao Lao. 2023. "ໝາກລີ້ນໄມ້ / Indian trumpet flower." Published July 14, 2023. https://www.phakhaolao.la/kb/0000195.
Arthrophyllum reticulatum Blume ex Miq.
Bignonia indica L.
Bignonia lugubris Salisb.
Bignonia pentandra Lour.
Bignonia quadripinnata Blanco
Bignonia tripinnata Noronha
Calosanthes indica (L.) Blume
Hippoxylon indica (L.) Raf.
Spathodea indica (L.) Pers.
ຫວຽດນາມ: ນູກນັກ, ຊັງດານ, ໂຊໂດທູເຢັນ, ຮ່ວງບານນາມ, ມອຍຮູ, ດິບ, ທູນົກ
ຈີນ: ມູຣູ ໄຣຊວງກູ, ຈຽນແຊງຕີ,
ກຳປູເຈ່ຍ: ປີກາ, ສລາວດໍ
ການຄ້າ: broken bones
Oroxylum indicum is a small branched tree with 5-10 m high, laxly branched or unbranched. Leaves opposite, 2-4 pinnately compound. Leaflets triangular-ovate, glabrous, becoming after drying, base sub rounded, oblique, margin entire. Inflorescence racemose, terminal, calyx large, purple, broadly campanulate, fleshy. Corolla purple-red, campanulate, limb slightly bilabiate, tomentose basally, stamen 5, sub-equal, style filiform, stigma ligulate, compressed. Capsule woody, valves with midrib, margin convex. Seed rounded, winged including papery.
The bark, leaves, root, root bark, fruits, leaves and seeds are used to treat snake bite.
1) Bark: The decoction of the bark is taken for curing gastric ulcer and a paste made of the bark applied to cure mouth cancer, scabies and other skin diseases. Juice of the bark is used as a tonic and astringent useful in diarrhea, diaphoretic, rheumatism and dysentery.
2) Root: It is used to cure inflammations, leprosy, dropsy, sprains, neuralgia, hiccough, cough, asthma, bronchitis, anorexia, dyspepsia, diarrhea, dysentery.
3) Root Bark: It is used as astringent, bitter tonic, stomachic, anodyne and sudorific and also useful in diarrhea, dysentery and ottorrhoea.
4) Leaf: Paste of leaves are used externally to treat an enlarged spleen, headache and ulcer, also used as emollient & anodyne.
5) Fruit: Tender fruits are prescribed for expectorant, carminative and stomachic and also useful in cough, bronchitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic and leucoderma. The mature fruits are to cure acrid, sweet, anthelmintic and stomachic and also useful in sore throat, cardiac disorders, worm infestations, gastric disorders, bronchitis.
6) Seed: The seed are used as purgative